Monday 26 March 2012

The List of Most Wanted Albums for Spring 2012.

Well, a lot of pretty decent stuff had already come out as for example as the third studio album for Enter Shikari that is called " A Flash Flood of Colour"  reached the top number 1 in the UK chart after the couple of the first weeks after release as well as 5th ranking in US Rock Billboard Chart. It was released on 16th January and you might want to check this out if you are at least interest in some of the derivatives of modern hardcore/ electronic music
Another decent releases that we have already experienced include :  Ringo Star’s- “Ringo 2012”, Paul McCartney’s -“Kisses on the Bottom” [former Beatles got quite busy during this year,ha?] as well as experience edition of Pink Floyd’s famous “The Wall” [released on 24th of February]. 
We have releases worth for considering from such monsters of metal core as Every time I die, Attack Attack!, MyChildren MyBride.

Anti- Flag had indeed cheered up its fans with their new release called “The General Strike”.Just a couple of days before Lady Madonna released its new album titled “MDNA” [the Rolling Stone magazine did already ranked it with 3.5 stars out of 5.

Nevertheless, what is there ahead of us that is worth of expecting and worth of spending some cash on [my personal biased opinion should be considered]?
1)      26th March, Iron Maiden is releasing its video album “En Vivo” from the live gig in Chile that was held there last year in April. The daddies of heavy metal reached the rating of 8/10 from the Metal Hammer magazine and 4/5 from a similar and well-known magazine Kerrang!

2)      The Used have scheduled their new release called “Vulnerable” for tomorrow 27th of March. The fifth album produced by Mr John Feldmann a guy who is known for producing such acts as Attack Attack! D.R.U.G.S., Panic! At the Dicso, Escape the Fate ( as 3 previous albums) shouldn’t be a regret for the fans and we will probably be satisfied.

3)      “Blunderbuss” Jack’s White first solo album after the breakup of The White Stripes is scheduled to be released at 23 of April and I feel that it is going to be legendary, because honestly Jack never disappoints. His unique style and sound is something that brings joy and pure arousal to your ears. 2 singles already released give us a hope of a great work that is ahead of us and I am very excited for this once very much.

4)      30th April we would be honored with the 8th studio album of famous freak and an honored musician Marilyn Manson who is releasing his new “product” called “Born Villain”. The material was recorded during the period of 2009-2011. Band states that “it is the best work they had ever did”, that is pretty much that every band is saying prior the release of their new album. Although, it is Marilyn and he might get us well surprised, so let’s wait just a little bit to hear some of his new industrial metal.

5)      Another treat for the brit-pop/alternative rock lovers, “Strangeland” the fourth studio album by all known Keane is going to be selling out on May 7th. This was quite a while that we did not hear anything from Keane, their last full-length work was released back in 2008. As the band members mentioned: “Compared to Keane's previous full-length studio album Perfect Symmetry (2008), the album focuses more on songwriting: "We wanted it be less production led and focus on making sure that the songs were great. You write a lot of shit songs to get to the good ones."   

That’s pretty much it for the interesting releases for the spring 2012 period that I personally think are worth of waiting for and buying.
Keep yourself together and stand your ground, be cool.

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