Wednesday 7 March 2012


Good time of the day, my dear Ladies and & Gentlemen. Sorry for not posting anything for so long but there have been some procrastination and studying issues that should have been resolved. Now I’m fine, chilling out on the Spring break and deciding what to post on today.
As I recently realized my blog is mostly on music and gigs so I won’t be messing around to much and continue to talk about some other music derivatives like movies about/on/with awesome music. I created my top 5, and maybe you might want to check them out.

5th place : “This is Spinal Tap”(1984)
This is awesome, I mean truly awesome. This is movie is quoted by musicians itself, although the idea was to film the ultimate parody on the day-to-day band life of true rockers. It is funny and totally worth every minute of your time watching it.

Ranking #4:” Sid and Nancy” (1986)
Not only the story of one of the daddies of punk, the famous “Sex Pistols” who literally released only 1 studio album but at the same time their music influenced the generations of people and musicians who later would take punk and metal and transform it into alternative rock and hardcore.
But the plot is not really about the influence of punk on the globe but a love story. However, this is the least cheesy love story I have ever watched. This is biography of “downhill” relationships. And the Point is that Love is never fully pure and beautiful but here you see all of the “dark sides of it”. In any case, this is a good watch and ranking #4 is fully appropriate.

#3 “Metal.A Headbanger’s Journey. “(2005)
This is a famous and very informative type of documentary on the history and development of this all known as evil and for some reason demonic type of music aka Heavy Metal. After watching this movie at the age of 15 I literally became a metal fan, I had a couple of black t-shirts with the logos and photos of the famous bands like Black Sabbath, Dio and Metallica. My music taste preferences went to extremes of death and speed metal. Mr. Sam Dunn, a Canadian anthropologist who was a metal fan since the age of 12 tells a story by interviewing people and famous musicians on the its origins, culture, controversy, and the reasons it is loved by so many people.

P.S. I guess you might find this one in parts on youtube if you want :D
And, if you really got interested there is a second movie that is a sequel called “Global Metal” by the same author.
#2 “Seven Ages of Rock” (2007)

A BBC2 documentary picturing and telling the history of rock music since the early 60’s and until our times. Each hour episode features 1-2 major bands respresenting the particular genre whether it is punk with Ramones or classic rock with Led Zeppelin or The Rolling Stones. This is an outstanding watch for various music fans because it tries to capture the best and most influential bands and events that took place sometime/somewhere. 7 Ages of Rock-7 parts-7 major waves and genres. I frankly watched it like 3 times the whole documentary and I guess it is still not enough. Take a look yourself and I am pretty sure you will be totally amused.

#1 “Across the Universe” (2007)
A musical romantic drama based on 34 compositions of the best band in the whole universe- The Beatles. I mean seriously, no matter what you say and think I honestly think it is the best, no other band had that amount of influence or popularity ever and probably will never have. The movie is full with references about the Beatles or their music. All of the songs sang in the movies are sanf by the actors and they are another way to cherish the remix culture and an addition to the praise of Beatles awesomeness. Starring Jim Sturgess and Evan Rachel Wood this movie is most likely the best way to lead an evening with your gf/bf who likes music and especially The Beatles.


  1. Agreed on #1

    Have you considered "Once" (2006) though, or did you decide it's not worth the top 5?

    1. this is just my top list,based on my music preferences. I aknowledle that in fact there are lots of other good music-movies.
