Friday 11 May 2012

Update 5000

This is my update on the trip and the first days in U.S. and spesifically Wildwood, NJ where I am supposed to work for the whole summer. Well, for now it is okay, i like it here, however, I feel that when the season (June-July) is up it is becomes so hardcore. All hopes for the best and now more about the trip and so on....

SO, The total distatnce that "Google Maps" says from KLP, LIthuania to here Wildwood NJ is 6865.50 km.
So the total number of hours I've spend on the road or in the air while travelling is  approximately 25 hours (not including the inbetween time when I did wait for my bus', or planes.)

Mo full trip direction was like this : Klaipeda- Marijampole- Warsaw- Amsterdam- New York- Atlantic City-Wildwood.Quite a rote ha?:D

Here are some photos with the comments I've made during the trip:
 Warsaw Airport- I was trying to fall asleep there but it did not work out anyways, time spent here is 6 hours

This is my plane to Amsterdam
 Looking quite excited prior the trip and very very exausted already.

42st/8th Avenue/ NY Times scyscraper on the right

It is almost the Time Square...and you can also see some of the Trump Tower on the top right corner.
 My Place of Work :Spirit U.S.A., go and like it on FB!
 I thought the Ocean is closer but here it is...and some fancy rollercoasters.
 Most of hotels in here are made in the style of Las Vegas in 50's
 This is where I live, My crib  is on the second floor
 And of fucking course I had to go here! ( Actually I was going to buy groceries but the supermarket was closed already so I went to Wawa (the convenience store/petrol station) to buy some food and found this on the way,
 I thought it would be any different :( Did not really feel the difference(It is deadly cheap in here) And ATTENTION! In wildwood rio grande MC's there is something wrong with the Dr. Pepper is tasted like shit yesterday:(
 Random houses( like pictures for your Mum that you would comment as this is where i live, lalalala)
Vietnam memorial and a Columbus monument
Yeap this is what it is :)


Thursday 26 April 2012

Where to go out in Klaipeda?

This time I would introduce you with some interesting venues that I perceive as being definitely decent to visit, here in Klaipeda/Lithuania.
The place I like the most is "Svyturio Menu Dokas" which is close to the ferry's place and seem to be quite an abandoned place at the first time. However, when you come inside you realize that this thing is huge and pretty outstanding. From time to time, there are big electronic/dub step/hip-hop as well as more of the jazzy stuff. It is easy to find something for you and from my perspective the venue is great for that kind of electronic massive parties or even rock gigs. The only negative thing is that there is no heating in winter and that sometimes the events are a little bit overpriced as for Klaipeda.

What else? Well, there is this place called "Kingstown" which is pretty neat however, it was rather poorly renovated after they closed the previous club that was at the same location ( the club was called Lamborghini and pretty much targeted for R&B and Rap fans). Anyways, the club is quite neat in a sense that they have this special underground kind of wibe in them and honestly if you are into dubstep and all this electro/dub stuff you might need to figure that out for yourself. Great people, great time, been there for a couple of times and didn't regret any of those. Although, it is often not working on Friday's but Thursday's and Saturday's. 
Here are their facebook page:

Roxy. I think there are hundreds of Roxy club's all over the world( meaning they all share the same name). This location provides music fans and party monsters with quite a decent variety of parties each week, including live performances of Lithuanian and bands from other countries like Poland, Latvia, Finland, and so on. Roxy is positioned as a rock club, but honestly they lack lots of true rocking attributes for a club. Although, this venue is decent in prices and has a smoking place inside, which is quite cool is you are a smoker.

There is also "Balta Varna", which is not really a club place but sometimes they do host some decent funky/electronic Dj's with their playlists. The place is rather small but cozy at the same time. They worst thing about that place is that you need to clear your way in the way to the main room when tons of people are staying' near the bar. It is very small but it has it's customers and I haven't met any party poopers there.

For metal and hard rock lovers there is a place called "Metaline Sirdis" which is a club/bar venue normally full of people of different subcultures. I've been there once and the place is rather too small for a rock concerts venue but neat as a bar. They have cheap beer and it is pretty much the only place in Klaipeda where you can enjoy the alternative rock/metal spirit around. It is generally on the level of not too bad, however, the location is rather interesting- it is in the basement of the railway station. If you like metal and would like to do some head banging over the weekend check their schedules maybe you can find something that will catch your attention.

That's pretty much it for today, I might cover some other clubs next time, but mostly what's left are clubs with R&B and dance music, so if you are into that..keep tunes and thanks for your attention. 

Thursday 12 April 2012

Today I would like to introduce you to something I can relate a lot, my band in which I used to play for more than 2 years. Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome 1LEFTSATIFIED.

1LEFTSATISFIED (1LS) is an experimental hardcore band from Klaipeda, Lithuania. It was formed in February, 2010. The band’s line-up consists of vocalist Ilja Savitskij, drummer Vitalij Titov, guitarist Roman Vovk, and bassist Anton Belousov. All four band members were bound together by the passion in music. Despite everyone’s personal musical tastes, guys from 1LS created a unique and interesting sound which seemed appropriate in terms of every band member’s musical preferences. In two and a half months after band was formed first “Eternal Void Filled with the Freedom” was recorded. It was a DIY record and it was posted online as an Internet release. The title of the came up after the same title of one of the band’s songs.
[The quality is not the best but come on, this is our first in life DIY record :D]

After this record band took a long break, because vocalist and bass player were outside the country. During the period of 4 month starting from January until May of 2011, 1LS worked to create new pieces of music and get ready for the first tour that was planned to start in early June. There was also a promo video posted on the official YouTube channel prior the tour was started. The album recording lasted a couple of days and finally “As these struggles are aimless” was recorded and ready to be mastered. At the same time the band was getting ready for their first and unfortunately last tour.

We visited 4 countries and played 5 gigs:
Fri, June 3, Lithuania, Vilnius @ POGOBARAS
Sat, June 3, Lithuania, Kaunas @ ANTIPOPs
Wed, June 8, Poland, Wroclaw @ STREFA ZERO
Tu, June 9, Czech Republic, Praha @ NA PUL CESTY
Sun, June 12, Ukraine, Lviv @ ROCK GARAGE

Right after the end of the tour an official tour video was released capturing all the best and funniest moment that happened with us during our fascinating journey. The gained an outstanding experience, had fun and did what we generally love- play our music.

The Album was released in September 2011; however, we had to officially state that we had to go on unknown period hiatus because our beloved vocalist and bassist had to leave the band due to their graduation from the university.

There is a possibility of a free download if you are interested:

I don’t think we made any kind of change on the Lithuanian or European hardcore scene; although, our contribution was still appreciated by the fans who listened to us and came to our gigs. I cherish those happy memories and I am happy that I had a chance to play along with these awesome lads.

P.S. And one more thing, for more info and tracks access these pages:

Monday 26 March 2012

The List of Most Wanted Albums for Spring 2012.

Well, a lot of pretty decent stuff had already come out as for example as the third studio album for Enter Shikari that is called " A Flash Flood of Colour"  reached the top number 1 in the UK chart after the couple of the first weeks after release as well as 5th ranking in US Rock Billboard Chart. It was released on 16th January and you might want to check this out if you are at least interest in some of the derivatives of modern hardcore/ electronic music
Another decent releases that we have already experienced include :  Ringo Star’s- “Ringo 2012”, Paul McCartney’s -“Kisses on the Bottom” [former Beatles got quite busy during this year,ha?] as well as experience edition of Pink Floyd’s famous “The Wall” [released on 24th of February]. 
We have releases worth for considering from such monsters of metal core as Every time I die, Attack Attack!, MyChildren MyBride.

Anti- Flag had indeed cheered up its fans with their new release called “The General Strike”.Just a couple of days before Lady Madonna released its new album titled “MDNA” [the Rolling Stone magazine did already ranked it with 3.5 stars out of 5.

Nevertheless, what is there ahead of us that is worth of expecting and worth of spending some cash on [my personal biased opinion should be considered]?
1)      26th March, Iron Maiden is releasing its video album “En Vivo” from the live gig in Chile that was held there last year in April. The daddies of heavy metal reached the rating of 8/10 from the Metal Hammer magazine and 4/5 from a similar and well-known magazine Kerrang!

2)      The Used have scheduled their new release called “Vulnerable” for tomorrow 27th of March. The fifth album produced by Mr John Feldmann a guy who is known for producing such acts as Attack Attack! D.R.U.G.S., Panic! At the Dicso, Escape the Fate ( as 3 previous albums) shouldn’t be a regret for the fans and we will probably be satisfied.

3)      “Blunderbuss” Jack’s White first solo album after the breakup of The White Stripes is scheduled to be released at 23 of April and I feel that it is going to be legendary, because honestly Jack never disappoints. His unique style and sound is something that brings joy and pure arousal to your ears. 2 singles already released give us a hope of a great work that is ahead of us and I am very excited for this once very much.

4)      30th April we would be honored with the 8th studio album of famous freak and an honored musician Marilyn Manson who is releasing his new “product” called “Born Villain”. The material was recorded during the period of 2009-2011. Band states that “it is the best work they had ever did”, that is pretty much that every band is saying prior the release of their new album. Although, it is Marilyn and he might get us well surprised, so let’s wait just a little bit to hear some of his new industrial metal.

5)      Another treat for the brit-pop/alternative rock lovers, “Strangeland” the fourth studio album by all known Keane is going to be selling out on May 7th. This was quite a while that we did not hear anything from Keane, their last full-length work was released back in 2008. As the band members mentioned: “Compared to Keane's previous full-length studio album Perfect Symmetry (2008), the album focuses more on songwriting: "We wanted it be less production led and focus on making sure that the songs were great. You write a lot of shit songs to get to the good ones."   

That’s pretty much it for the interesting releases for the spring 2012 period that I personally think are worth of waiting for and buying.
Keep yourself together and stand your ground, be cool.

Wednesday 7 March 2012


Good time of the day, my dear Ladies and & Gentlemen. Sorry for not posting anything for so long but there have been some procrastination and studying issues that should have been resolved. Now I’m fine, chilling out on the Spring break and deciding what to post on today.
As I recently realized my blog is mostly on music and gigs so I won’t be messing around to much and continue to talk about some other music derivatives like movies about/on/with awesome music. I created my top 5, and maybe you might want to check them out.

5th place : “This is Spinal Tap”(1984)
This is awesome, I mean truly awesome. This is movie is quoted by musicians itself, although the idea was to film the ultimate parody on the day-to-day band life of true rockers. It is funny and totally worth every minute of your time watching it.

Ranking #4:” Sid and Nancy” (1986)
Not only the story of one of the daddies of punk, the famous “Sex Pistols” who literally released only 1 studio album but at the same time their music influenced the generations of people and musicians who later would take punk and metal and transform it into alternative rock and hardcore.
But the plot is not really about the influence of punk on the globe but a love story. However, this is the least cheesy love story I have ever watched. This is biography of “downhill” relationships. And the Point is that Love is never fully pure and beautiful but here you see all of the “dark sides of it”. In any case, this is a good watch and ranking #4 is fully appropriate.

#3 “Metal.A Headbanger’s Journey. “(2005)
This is a famous and very informative type of documentary on the history and development of this all known as evil and for some reason demonic type of music aka Heavy Metal. After watching this movie at the age of 15 I literally became a metal fan, I had a couple of black t-shirts with the logos and photos of the famous bands like Black Sabbath, Dio and Metallica. My music taste preferences went to extremes of death and speed metal. Mr. Sam Dunn, a Canadian anthropologist who was a metal fan since the age of 12 tells a story by interviewing people and famous musicians on the its origins, culture, controversy, and the reasons it is loved by so many people.

P.S. I guess you might find this one in parts on youtube if you want :D
And, if you really got interested there is a second movie that is a sequel called “Global Metal” by the same author.
#2 “Seven Ages of Rock” (2007)

A BBC2 documentary picturing and telling the history of rock music since the early 60’s and until our times. Each hour episode features 1-2 major bands respresenting the particular genre whether it is punk with Ramones or classic rock with Led Zeppelin or The Rolling Stones. This is an outstanding watch for various music fans because it tries to capture the best and most influential bands and events that took place sometime/somewhere. 7 Ages of Rock-7 parts-7 major waves and genres. I frankly watched it like 3 times the whole documentary and I guess it is still not enough. Take a look yourself and I am pretty sure you will be totally amused.

#1 “Across the Universe” (2007)
A musical romantic drama based on 34 compositions of the best band in the whole universe- The Beatles. I mean seriously, no matter what you say and think I honestly think it is the best, no other band had that amount of influence or popularity ever and probably will never have. The movie is full with references about the Beatles or their music. All of the songs sang in the movies are sanf by the actors and they are another way to cherish the remix culture and an addition to the praise of Beatles awesomeness. Starring Jim Sturgess and Evan Rachel Wood this movie is most likely the best way to lead an evening with your gf/bf who likes music and especially The Beatles.

Saturday 18 February 2012

"The little Red Riders Book"
Today, I want to share an interesting and funny collection of famous bands riders (a rider is a list of backstage requests from bands that is sent to every venue they perform at).  This list was collected in a book called ‘The little Red Riders Book’ edited by Mr. Steve Lamacq who is a BBC DJ and the author of” Going Deaf for a Living”. My friend gave me this book to take a look for a couple of days and I had lots of fun reading about probably the most strange and fascinating artists’ demands. Lots of outrageous and ridiculous stuff is included in this tiny but truly awesome book.

So here are the best of the best:
·         Rolling Stones

HP sauce. Shepherd’s pie. Paintbrushes. Snooker table. TV (capable of showing cricket matches). Toilet (on wheels). Scroll down for more…
Specific tastes: Rocker Marilyn Manson requests a bald, toothless hooker while Beyonce insists all products are Pepsi
·         Nirvana
Macaroni cheese.

·         Marilyn Manson
Air-conditioning always on full. Haribo gummi bears. Doritos. Microwave popcorn. Bottle of Absinthe. A bald hooker with no teeth.

·         Frank Sinatra
An ear, nose and throat specialist with the anti-inflammatory drug Decadron.
·         Artic Monkeys
Special K. Crunchy Nut Cornflakes. Two cooked chickens. A novel of the venue’s choice. Two cases of cider. Wrigley’s Extra chewing gum. A novelty Yo-Yo.
·         Britney Spears
Two boxes of Pop Tarts. Fruit Loops. Cable television. Two 6ft sofas. Odour-free carpet. A phone line.

·         Led Zeppelin
Iron. Ironing board.
·         BeyoncĂ©
Pepsi products only. Honey Nut Cheerios. Ginger root. A two-man love seat. 78F in dressing room. Toilet scrubbed with disinfectant. No sweets, chocolate or crisps in dressing room.

·         Oasis
“Lots of” Guinness. “Lots of” beer. “Lots of” red wine. “Lots of” vodka. A bottle of whisky. Monster Munch. Wotsits. Doritos and dip.

·         Elton John
74 towels. Flowers (NO chrysanthemums, lilies, carnations or daisies).
·        Elvis Presley
Pot roast with gravy. Mashed potatoes with gravy. Corn bread with gravy. 36 chocolate donuts
·         Black Eyed Peace
Just a sober monitor engineer.

·         P Diddy

204 towels. 20 bars of soap. Two bottles of Hennessy cognac. Two bottles of Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio. Two bottles of Veuve Clicquot. A bottle of Dom Perignon. Grey Goose vodka. Boom box. Bouquet of white flowers. Cheddar cheese and sour-cream chips. Sweet Tarts. A $300,000 bullet-proof Maybach.

‘The Little Red Rider Book’ is a cool replenishment for a music literature collection and a nice little present for a person who is keen of music. So if you have spare 10 $ go and buy this one, I would personally love to have a copy.

Sunday 12 February 2012

54th Grammy Award Nominees
The “Oskar” of the different musical acts is taking place tonight 12th February in L.A. and the venue for the ceremony is the famous and invariable for a couple of years already L.A. Staples Centre. Today’s ceremony is starting at 5p.m. PT(so it is around 3 a.m. for the citizens of Lithuania and other countries who happen to exist in +2 GMT time zone).
I expect this ceremony to be under cover of grief for famous pop and r&b singer Ms Whitney Houston who passed away yesterday. She was just 48 years old. The multimillion selling artist was acknowledged as the queen of pop in 80’s and 90’s due to her magnificent voice abilities and millions of the record’s sold.

As for me it would be much more interesting to comment or discuss the actual winners of the particular awards but as for now as L.A. is still sleeping and the red carpet is probably not yet there I would like to acknowledge sections of the awards that I perceive as most interesting and worth of looking at.

So, our 5 nominees for the “Record of the Year” are:
1)Rolling in the Deep-Adele
2)Holocene- Bon Iver
3)Grenade- Bruno Mars
4)The Cave-Mumford & Sons
5)Firework- Katty Perry
 If I would be betting on who will be the winner I would mostly likely bet on Adele because her song and the album as well are already given the title the best for some other musical awards and I don’t think we should expect something extremely different here at Grammy’s. She earned it completely, and if not this year she will probably earn some more in the upcoming years because she is definitely a singer that is worth of hundreds of awards.

The Album of the Year:
      1 )    21-Adele
      2)    Wasting Light- Foo Fighters
      3)    Born This Way- Lady Gaga 
      4)    Doo-Wops & Hooligans
      5)    Loud-Rihanna

Foo Fighters with 6 nominations including best Rock/Hard Rock performance for the “Walk” and the Best Rock Album would most likely earn a couple of trophies this year. I honestly don’t know what to expect for this category but I think that Adele would be the total leader in the number of won nominations so yeah “21-Adele” for the album of the year? Sounds legit to me guys.

Best 5 new artists include :
      1)    The Band Perry
      2)    Bon Iver
      3)    J.Cole
      4)    Nicki Minaj
      5)    and of course “SKRILLEX”
I am cheering for Skrillex and I think that he is the one who should get this particular trophies. However, this is not the only category Mr. Sonny Moore (aka Skrillex) is nominated (5 nominations in total). If he is not going to win this one, then there is no doubt  he is up for the “Best Dance/Electronica album” for the “Crazy Monsters & Nice Sprites”.

The Last Category I want to highlight on is “The Best Rock Performance” which in this year includes artists like:
     1)  Every Teardrop is the Waterfall- The Coldplay
     2)    Down By The Water- The Decemberists
     3)    Walk- Foo Fighters
     4)    The Cave- Mumford & Sons
     5)    Lotus Flower- Radiohead

In terms of awesomeness I would pick the Lotus Flower by the Radiohead, however the “Walk” seems worth of a Grammy as well. It is always up to the fans who to greet and bet on but sometimes miracles happen and some no-name first year artists are able to win the trophies that some bands work for a decade to be simply nominated for.

Good Luck for everyone, and let the best wins :D(Sound more like a sport event)
Anyways you can check out the CBS online broadcast if you click below. Although, keep in mind that you would need to be up all night to watch it exactly live due to PT time zone.